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Invest in What Multiplies

Once no more than seeds.

Standing in the Las Vegas airport, I watch a woman play one of the terminal’s many slot machines. Above her, a sign proclaims the promise of a big payoff. With a bit of luck, riches are hers.

She pulls the lever.

Lights flash. The three wheels spin. One by one, they come to a stop, each displaying a different symbol. She’s not a winner this time.

Another dollar bill goes into the machine. She pulls the lever.

Again the lights flash. Again the wheels spin. Again she’s not a winner.

She pulls another bill from her pile. Spin. Spin. Spin. She’s not a winner.

Watching her, I feel sad.

I feel sad for her hunched frame. It’s as though she knows the promise of riches is a false one. She’s resigned to her fate, but refuses to stop or change anything.

I feel sad for her wasted resources. More likely than not, she’ll never see that money again.

But most of all, I feel sad for me. I think of all the ways I misuse my resources. I think of the opportunities I waste.


seeds scattered upon
dry, dead, and desert soil
remain dry and dead

I’ve been given so much. Yet I squander it sometimes.

I spend money on products and experiences that don’t add value to me, let alone anyone else.

Spin. Spin. Spin.

I waste time consuming media and entertainment that doesn’t enrich my life, or the lives of those around me.

Spin. Spin. Spin.

I fail to act on the knowledge and wisdom at my disposal. I have more than enough information to take the next step but keep searching for the latest advice or inspiration.

Spin. Spin. Spin.

I neglect relationships. I forget birthdays. I don’t offer encouragement when it’s needed. I don’t pick up the phone to call and say hello to an old friend.

Spin. Spin. Spin.

Sometimes I’m like the woman in front of that slot machine. I gamble away the resources I’ve been given. Maybe my gamble will make me happy. Maybe my gamble will change the world. Yet, deep down, I know it won’t.


seeds planted with care
buried in the fertile earth
sprout in abundance

You have the opportunity to invest your time, money, attention, and knowledge. Invest in what multiplies.

Donate to a cause. Charity:water provides clean water across the globe. The Hope for Life Center in Nakuru, Kenya offers hope to a community affected by AIDS. These are a few of the many organizations transforming the world. A small donation to one of them multiplies over and over, touching hundreds of people.

Create art. Pour your talents into a project that makes a difference to someone. Be it painting, writing, organizing, connecting, or something else, do work that matters.

Share what you know. If you overcame a challenge, you can help another person facing that issue. Your knowledge and insight can empower them to change themselves and others.

Show kindness. Send a letter to a friend. Compliment a stranger. Smile. And from your kindness the recipient may go and spread that joy to others.

The acts may seem small, but like a stone dropped in a still pond, each investment creates a ripple. It spreads far beyond the point of impact.


ignore all the seeds
laying dead on barren earth
for many did grow

Looking back, it’s easy to become discouraged about all the opportunities wasted. The beauty, however, is you get another chance. Each day offers new possibilities. Learn from the past, but move on. Focus on what you can do right now.

Today is another opportunity to invest in what multiplies. What will you do with it?


PHOTO: Once no more than seeds. Kenya.