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An Incomplete List Of Things To Say Thank You For

Stairway to heaven.

Say thank you for the sun. In the east, it announces its arrival to the day. Reds and oranges transform white clouds into wisps of fire.

So significant is that rising – those rays that pierce the horizon. Its warmth and light make life possible. You depend on it. And all the while, the sun demands nothing in return. It gives. It gives. You receive.

Say thank you for the rain. Life falls from the sky. It replenishes lakes, rivers, and deep wells. It grows crops. If you have water, you are blessed.

Say thank you for the butterflies. When life becomes overwhelming, when you lose sight of what’s important, see the elegance of a butterflies. They remind you to tread with gentle steps. They remind you to pause from time to time and rest your attention upon the flowers.

Say thank you for the success of friends. Celebrate. Yay for them.

Say thank you for food. When you first sit down at the table for a meal, the bowl may be empty. But not for long. Nourishment will soon fill it — fresh vegetables and wholesome grains. They give you strength and energy. They help you grow and thrive.

But many plates stay empty. Many people go without food altogether. Remember them and appreciate your blessings. Then you’ll be in a right mind to see how you can help those people.

Say thank you for your breath. How joyous it is to breathe. In and out. In and out. It seems a simple thing, but each breath contains your life. You are alive, right now.

Say thank you for smiles. If you want to be happier, smile more. Your emotion cannot help but follow along with your body. By imitating the physical response to joy, you become more joyful.

But you don’t have to depend only on your smile. You can take delight in the smiles those around you. My daughter has a grin that fills her entire face. No matter how sad or troubled I may feel, when I see her smile, it’s near impossible to not feel better.

Say thank you for non-illness. When you get over a sickness, showing gratitude is easy. But then we forget. If you’re not sick right now, celebrate your health.

Say thank you for clouds. Sometimes they’re wispy. Other times they’re puffy. Some days they form fun shapes such as a cat chasing a rabbit. Other days, they’re dark and menacing — preparing to unleash a storm.

No matter the formation, they change and move. They remind you that our nature, like theirs, is change.

Say thank you for visiting friends and family. Enjoy catching up over the dinner table. Cherish the moments together. Reconnect your lives to theirs.

Say thank you for your hands. With those hands you can work. You can write. You can prepare a good meal. You can lift heavy weights. With those hands you can show affection and love. A touch to someone in need can heal a thousand hurts. You can give that touch.

Say thank you for going to the bathroom. How miserable would it be if you weren’t able to release the unneeded waste from your body. By relieving yourself, you can avoid becoming sick.

Say thank you for non-war. When you go to sleep, chances are that you don’t have to worry about a bomb destroying your home or soldiers breaking down your door. For that, you are most fortunate.

Say thank you for books. Non-fiction offers the wisdom of another contained in a small package. You can learn so much from them. Works of fiction take you on adventures to all kinds of places. They reveal the themes of humanity through their characters.

Say thank you for airplanes. They bring people back to you, and let you go visit them. They take you on adventures.

Say thank you for accidental farts. Have you ever been in a room with an underlying tension? People don’t talk to each other. Instead they stare at the floor. But then someone farts — perhaps the person you’d least expect to do so. Everyone can’t help but laugh. The ice broken, you resume conversation.

Say thank you for struggle. How much do you learn for those difficult times? How much stronger are you because you struggled? And when you hurt, remember that you often hurt because you care.

Say thank you for death. Beneath its shadow life comes into perspective. You see what matters and what doesn’t. Its approach encourages you to make wise use of this gift of life.

Say thank you for those significant individuals in your life. They’re the kind of people you could spend a lifetime writing down how much they mean to you, and by the end you’d still not have captured it all. They believe in you when you don’t believe in yourself. They help you to your feet when you trip. They celebrate the wonderful moments. They rejoice in your triumphs. You don’t deserve them, but they’re there all the same.

Say thank you for sleep. It gives you energy to do all the other fun things you want to do. Each night you get to lay down and be at peace.

Say thank you for practices like Taekwondo. They strengthen the body. They teach discipline, focus, and courage. They guide you in the path of courtesy, integrity, self-control, perseverance, and indomitable spirit.

You practice not just for that moment, but for all times. You strengthen your whole life.

Say thank you for computers. How amazing is it that you can communicate with people all over the world? How wonderful is it that you can create a piece of art and share it with others?

Say thank you for your communities of practice. You encourage each other and share your burdens — no one has to bear them alone. Your brothers and sisters encourage you, and you encourage them. You evolve and grow together. Together you are stronger.

Be it a book club, Taekwondo class, church, Sangha, writing group, or this community here on the Bright Army, the proverb holds true: “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.”

Say thank you for Sunday afternoons. Take a nap. Read a good book. Take your daughter to the park. Stare out a window. It’s good to rest.

Say thank you for laughter. It starts like a wave rising from the sea — no more than a smile at first. Urged on by the winds of the humorous situation, your smile turns to a chuckle. And then it crashes. Your whole body and spirit shake with the glorious delight. Ten minutes later, you’re still trying to catch your breath.

Say thank you for music. Dance.

_with each passing day
i come to realize that today
in each and every way
is a gift i can’t repay</p>

i come to realize that today
is not sometime far away
but is where right now i stay

in each and every way
the sunny skies and cloudy gray
the times of work and times of play

is a gift i can’t repay
so i’m present in the day
thank you is all that i can say</em>

With your every breath give thanks. You can never show too much gratitude. You can never say thank you too many times.

What are you thankful for?


PS: For those of you who did our recent mission, was it beneficial to you? If so, how?

PPS: One of the ways I’m saying thank you this year is giving up my birthday. Instead of receiving gifts, I want to give the gift of clean water to 27 people. Would you join me?