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Change is Inevitable


You’d think I’d have this figured out by now.

You’d expect I’d have realized — after years of transitioning between the United States and Kenya, boarding school and home, and friends who come and go — that change is a part of life.

But I haven’t.

drifting to and fro
the clouds may at times block out
all of the sunshine

One of my first projects when I worked as an engineer was the design of a new power plant in Ohio. I got to be involved in a variety of activities — running calculations, drafting reports, and creating technical drawings. I even got to make a visit to the construction site. I loved the project.

But when the economic downturn hit, the owners of the power plant put the project on hold. I was assigned different — and less interesting — tasks.

Instead of accepting the project was finished, I kept wishing I could go back. I talked with my former team members about when the project might start up again. I daydreamed about my supervisor coming by and asking me to join a similar project. I complained. I misused my time. I pretended the change wasn’t happening, refusing to surrender.

By holding to the past — by resisting the change — I suffered. I grew discontent with my work. I became depressed.

But most of all, I failed to see how change is full of hope.


water rises up
billowing into a mist
joining with clouds

Because of change, we can grow. We can learn and explore the world around us. We can become stronger people.

for what seems awhile
thunderclouds unleash their storm
they will pass in time

Because of change, we can overcome our suffering. We’re not destined to live with it forever.

let the rain fall down
empty the clouds of blessings
touching those below

Because of change, we can act. We can move forward and make a difference.


one shape to the next
an unpredictable dream
set in the heavens

You can never fully prepare for every possible situation. Change, by nature, looks different each time. But there are tools and practices that can help you thrive amid the shifting circumstances.

Understand change is inevitable. Pretending everything will stay the same only sets you up for stress. When you accept change is an essential piece of human existence, it won’t catch you off guard when it comes. You’ll expect it.

Embrace the present moment. It’s the only time you have any control over.

Celebrate the good. Maybe it will last for a while. Maybe it won’t. Honor the seasons of joy and blessing by appreciating and savoring them fully.

Accept the challenges. They’re not permanent. And even if the difficult circumstances don’t go away immediately, you can rise to meet them.

Create practices and habits to anchor you. Root yourself spiritually with meditation, prayer, or other disciplines. Ground yourself physically with exercise, sleep, and good nutrition. Establish yourself mentally with challenges. Base yourself emotionally by developing healthy relationships.

Seek help. Others can speak the truth to the situation you refuse to notice.

Take responsibility. You always have the ability to change something — even if it is only your attitude or outlook. Start with what you can influence and build from there.


swept by gusting wind
shape disrupted and reformed
only to change again

It’s been four years since the project was canceled. I’d love to tell you I woke up a few weeks later and decided to stop waiting. I’d love to say something just clicked, and I accepted the change. But that isn’t how it happened.

It took time. It took gradual effort. I applied to graduate school. I re-engaged with the tasks before me. I found ways to add value to my co-workers. A hundred small actions added up until I moved on — until I embraced the change.

I’d also love to tell you after dealing with this situation, I never fight change anymore — that I’ve figured it all out. But that’s not true.

I still struggle. I still stare change in the face and pretend it doesn’t exist. I still fight it.

Maybe somethings don’t change.


What about you? What changes do you struggle with? How do you thrive in the midst of them?
