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Wandering as Kings in the Land of a Thousand Villages

Castle's Crowns

When in distant lands you wander
Time does seem to fade away
When in distant lands you wander
You must forge a different way
When in distant lands you wander
In their beauty you may wish to stay

Adventures start with the unfamiliar. It is mysterious, exciting, and often beautiful. Traveling to Slovenia is an adventure. All around is beauty.

There are the caves – the cathedrals of the underground. Stalagmites are the pews. Stalactites are the chandeliers. The torches’ light illuminates as if through stained glass – dim and uneven.

There are the mountains. Only snow dares to grace their towering peaks. Silent guardians, they watch the land below.

There are the castles. Some stand watch from mountaintops. Others take shelter in caves. Thick walls stand in defiance of any army daring to invade – of which there have been many. Yet for all the echoes of war and violence, they seem peaceful – a protection of life within.

There are the villages. On nearly every hill a church stands as a beacon. Little houses congregate around each of them. Colored walls and tiled roofs testify to a beautiful community inside.

These form the setting of the wandering. They are the backdrop of the story. But though the they are important, they are not the heart of it all.


Lands are made of culture
Culture is made of tribes
Tribes are made of people
People of the land

On your wanderings you will encounter many people. Cherish them. They are what give the journey color and life. Do not fear the stranger. Their culture and humanity make all the difference.

Beginnings. For centuries Slovenia was under the rule of foreign powers. It now nears a mere twentieth birthday. The newness echoes the spring – the budding of life. Opportunity and possibility lie open before them. Yes, there are also struggles and challenge, but those are the marks of growth.

Roots. There is a deep connection with community and land. Slovenia is a country of villages. There seems to be one on every hill. The people plant their own food. Community is the heart of life.

Language. For the people of Slovenia, who have been oppressed for so long, language is the bastion of culture and identity. The difficulty to learn it reinforces its importance. If you speak Slovenian, you are Slovenian.

Honor. Even from the beginning of my wanderings, I meet many wonderful people. Most have a minimal part in the story – a waiter or clerk. But that does not make them any less significant.

Noblemen. Our quest receives aid from many local leaders. These are the people bringing change in this land. They are the hope of a new nation. They are the builders.

They are people like Carlos, who gives us a tour of Ljubljana. He leads a community of Spanish speaking Slovenians, immigrants, and visitors. His smile and excitement echo the possibilities ahead.

They are people like Ales, who we have coffee with one sunny morning. He explores and teaches about what it means to live a life of simplicity. In one recent experiment, using his garden, he lived on one Euro a day of food. He reminds the people to hold to their roots.

We are priviliged to partake in such life. We are blessed to give something to them, even if it is as small as a smile. But although these people are important, they are still not everything.


Of the fellowship of four, tales shall be sung
Slayers of dragons
Wandering Kings and wandering Queen

Wandering is best with friends. They are what make the journey special. In the assembly of friends you find victory. In their company you become as royalty. That is my experience.

Among us is Marcos the Magnificent. What other word can describe our host – Slovenia’s acting ambassador for the week? His hospitality and generosity are a blessing to us all. Even though in a distant land, I am at home.

Among us is Frank the Free. Such is his generosity – boundless. Sharing expertise and knowledge, he teaches us much. Using technology, he empowers people to do what they could not do before. He empowers us.

Among us is Bronwyn the Brave. Leaving her homeland, she set out to build something – to forge a new life. From her challenges are a courage to live and inspire and help others. I suspect her bravery rubs off on us all.

And what of me? I’ll leave that up to someone else.


Most quests have a moment that tells the story of the entire journey – a time that weaves the major threads into a single event. Ours has two.

We often stay up so late that the castle ghost even goes to bed. On one such night we raise a toast to our fellowship with a bottle of sparkling red wine. No, that’s not correct. We toast with three quarters a bottle of sparkling red wine.

Time itself seems to slow. Perception sharpens and senses intensify. And as Frank undid the wiring, the cork decided it had enough.


To across the room, the cork takes flight.

A bubbling geyser jets into the air.

The bloke on the other side of the room nearly has a heart attack.

We don’t stop laughing for the rest of the night. We probably won’t ever stop laughing.

The second story comes from our first night at the castle. In the midst of a full dining room, a group of Italian tourists dance and laugh to blasting music. Joy abounds. Bronwyn and I enjoy a meal together.

Over mushroom soup and other fine foods, we chat. Hopes and dreams and life exchange in these hours. We talk about the adventure before us and the roads behind us. We talk about dragons, the deep challenges and fears that stand in our way. Some are slain in that short time. For the others still to come, we equip each other with armor and weapons to defeat them. And when the staff finally kick us out, we have gained far more than a meal.

Such moments are typical of our adventure. Life. Beauty. Joy. Laughter. Friendship. Fun. Hope. Challenge. Victory. Such threads weave through the story in countless ways and in endless circumstances. It is these times of magic that we live for.


Fellowships affect those involved. They bring each member closer together, teach countless lessons, and leave a mark that lasts forever. Of the ones I am aware of – many only touch the subconscious – three such marks stand out:

Giving binds people. Be it competing to settle the bill at dinner, advising on plans and dreams, or slipping a little candy into another’s palm, we seek to outdo each other in generosity. And since we often cannot repay such gifts, all that is left is to draw closer.

Dragons are scary, but they can be slain. They are terrifying, but you have what it takes to bring them down. And if you don’t think so, rely on others. They can see in you what you cannot see for yourself. They will fight by your side.

Live as if all men and all women are valuable. When you choose to see the good in others, they will be good. When you choose to see the beauty in others, they will be beautiful. When you choose to see the love in others, they will show you yourself.


All fellowships have their ending. I feel much like Samwise Gamgee as Frodo and the elves bid farewell on the shores of the sea. The saying, “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” doesn’t seem to fit at the moment. Someday I will smile at the memories. But for now:

Pattering rain chants in solemn song
Goodbye my friends, my heart aches that it is so
Tears pool in glistening eye
Threatening to join the falling rain
I let them


Castle’s Crown. I made this photo in Slovenia. You can see more pictures of the trip here