All I Want to Tell You
Sometimes a desire strikes so strongly, rings so loudly, and resonates so clearly that it breaks you. Tears fall, and you feel like your heart has pushed beyond its usual capacity. This is one of those desires.
All I want – nothing more, and absolutely nothing less – is for you to know how valuable you are.
You are priceless.
_Listen no longer to those wretched lies
Instead of bringing hope they lower eyes
End all such thoughts the moment they arise
So many lies mask the truth. Falsehoods hide your worth and take away from your value. I know because I hear those lies too.
Those lies that tell you that you are not enough, comparing what is within you to the outsides of another. But that ignores their struggles. That discards the good in you. Live in that goodness.
Those lies that tell you that you are not capable of extraordinary acts. But you’ve done them before. You’ve pushed your limits. You’ve impressed yourself and others. Do it again.
Those lies that tell you that you are ordinary. But you have something that belongs to you and you alone – a talent, a passion, a gift. Your experiences give you a perspective that others do not have. Speak from the world you see. Show us how you see.
Those lies that tell you that you cannot affect others. But you have. You’ve smiled to a stranger and brightened their day. You’ve offered a friend a shoulder to cry on. You’ve made someone laugh with a funny joke. Touch those around you.
Those lies that tell you that you cannot make something of your life. But with all the gifts and talents at your disposal, how can you not? And even if you only touch one person, is that not significant? Use what you have.
Those lies that tell you to put your art away and hide. But the world needs your art. It’s beautiful. Your creative act – building, leading, comforting, helping – comes out of your love. Someone will see it and leave affected. Seek out that someone and give your art to them.
Those lies that tell you that you are not loved. But you have family. They love you. But you have friends. They love you. Listen to their words.
Those lies that tell you that you are not worth loving and respecting. But people love and respect you. Are they lying? Not likely. Ask them why they care about you.
The lies – and that is what they are – rob us. They take away our greatest power – our humanity. They deprive of us of blessing.
I want you to find that blessing.
Behold the present beauty with a dance
Enjoy it in the mountains’ great expanse
Admire it in the stranger’s smiling glance
Uphold your beauty with a sturdy stance
The truth hinders despairs steady advance
You’ll find your walk to be a lighter prance
May you see beauty.
The world is a beautiful place. There’s color. There’s life. There’s humanity.
Walk on the lakeside in the peace of the dawn. Notice the color of the sky. Listen to the song the waves sing to the shore. Feel the lightness of the breeze.
Sometimes you have to see the beauty around you before you can notice it in yourself. In the view of a sunrise, you let down your judgments, allowing you to see past the lies. Your perspective shifts to what is good, so you notice that good inside you.
See the beauty and let it fill your heart with joy.
Journal about what makes you come alive
Open to all those moments that you thrive
You will find joy to be a mighty drive
May you feel joy.
Find it in your relationships. Let them lift you up and fill you with courage. Let the people around you fill you with love for life.
Find it in your work. Do something that strengthens you. Do something that matters. That may require changing the work you do, but often, it’s just a matter of adjusting your attitude toward your job. Choose to enjoy it. Choose to make it matter.
Find it in your play. When you take a pause from your work, enjoy what you do. Cherish a hobby. Have fun with a child.
Find it in your solitude. When no one is around, and you sit in peace, rejoice in your company. Smile at yourself.
Find it in others. One of the best ways to become joyful is to make someone else joyful. As an old song says,
The time to be happy is now
The place to be happy is here
And the way to be happy is to make someone happy
And to have a little heaven down here
Feel the joy and let it overflow to those around you. Cherish their joy.
Let yourself be loved by those around
On each and every life may love be found
Venture to stand upon the higher ground
Embrace its hope and be no longer bound
May you be love.
At the heart of all things is the capacity to love and be loved. It is the center of your humanity.
Act from love. Create from love. Live from love.
Start with a love of yourself. Ensure your needs are met before you seek to help others. Give yourself the platform for impact.
Move into a love for others. Do what you can to help them meet their needs. Give them the blessing of your talents.
Love those who hurt. When the tears fall, when the pain burns, and when the loneliness shatters, show love. Be a friend. Be a comforter. Be an encouragement.
Love those who want to celebrate. When the joy breaks, when the heart sings, and when the music starts, show love. Dance with them. Cheer them on. Rejoice in their happiness.
Love those who hate you. When the criticism flies, when the cruelty comes, when the violence rises, show love. See their goodness. Be strong on their behalf. Believe in them although they do not believe in themselves.
Love fills our lives with compassion and empathy. It lets us see and hear the other.
Love fills our lives with strength and courage. It pushes us to thrive in the face of uncertainty.
Love fills our lives with meaning and purpose. It is the meaning and purpose.
Love raises the state of everyone involved. It is an act of abundance. It speaks to the value of all.
What about you? What are the some of the lies that you’ve struggled with?
River of beauty. I made this photo in South Africa.